Learning disabilities are more common than you think. An estimated 15% to 20% of Americans are affected by some form of learning disability. Dyslexia, Visual processing disorder, ADHD, Dysgraphia and dyscalculia are just a few of


the learning disabilities that have been identified among young children as well as adults. These disabilities affect an individual’s learning and development.

Here are some general facts about learning disabilities:

84% of people think that learning disability is a growing concern whereas 63% of people actually know someone who has a learning disability.

How many people are aware of learning disabilities types?


You will be surprised to know that 91% of people only know of Dyslexia as a learning disability. Many people are not familiar with other learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia or dyscalculia.

Learning disabilities and diagnosis

Only 53% of people believe that learning disabilities are diagnosed during grades 1-4. And 23% think that learning disabilities are diagnosed in kindergarten.


Studies have revealed that 6.4 million students suffer from ADHD and the diagnosis for this disability has increased by 16% since 2007. Another surprising find was that boys were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as compared to girls.

Causes of Learning Disabilities

Although the causes of learning disabilities have not yet been found, researchers believe these disabilities are caused by neurological differences in the brain structure. Some of the factors that contribute to the development of a learning disability during pregnancy include:

  • Use of alcohol
  • Use of drugs
  • Poor nutrition
  • Exposure to toxins such as paint or lead

More than 83% of individuals say that interventions can help deal with learning disabilities. On the other hand, over half the parents think that schools do not provide adequate facilities to help teach children with learning disabilities.

Parents of children with learning disabilities

According to research, parents of children with learning disabilities aged 3-18 hold the following views:


35% of parents are deeply struggling with their attitude towards their child’s learning and attention issues. These parents find parenting difficult and are experiencing financial pressure.


31% of parents experience conflicting feelings about their child’s learning disability. This means they have trouble managing stress and being patient with their child.


34% of parents are positive and optimistic about their child’s learning disability. Such parents effectively cooperate with their child and look for ways to help them best cope and deal with their disability.

How many are misguided about learning disabilities

The following statistics reveal the perception of people towards learning disabilities:

  • 22% think learning disabilities are caused by spending too much time watching television
  • 31% think learning disabilities are caused by poor diet
  • 24% believe that learning disabilities are a result of childhood vaccinations
  • 75% think that genes play a major role in causing learning disabilities

These statistics show how many people misunderstand the issues of learning disabilities. In order to better diagnose and treat such disabilities, it is important to create more awareness and educate parents and the general population about learning disabilities.

*All statistics taken from the National Center for Learning Disabilities



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Learning Disabilities and Disorders